Aunt Flo, Red Days, periods – whatever you want to call it, one thing is for sure: menstruation will always be part of your monthly cycle. A typical length of menstruation is different for every woman. Consequently, how long you will get your period is dependent on various factors like your hormonal levels, level of stress, and body mass index. If you are one of the lucky few, you might have your period only for a few days. Unfortunately for many, menstruation comes with pain, heavy flow, and longer days. This leads you to a major concern: how to stop your period. Let's read on to find out.

Tips to End Your Period Fast

Here’s the truth: you cannot stop your period once it started. Sure, you can delay it, but unless you are pregnant, there is no way of stopping Aunt Flo from paying a visit. The good news is there are ways to make your period end faster. Here are nine ways on how to do it:

Exercise Regularly

Aside from helping you lose weight, exercise can also quicken your period. This is because exercise relaxes your uterine muscles that could help reduce the flow of the blood. Exercising regularly also reduces pre-menstrual symptoms (PMS) such as moodiness, crams, and bloating.

Start with 20 to 30-minute jog, Yoga, or weight training to get you moving and reduce blood flow.


Go for More Vitamin C

Vitamin C may be an immune booster, but did you know that it can shorten menstruation too? Vitamin C reduces your progesterone levels, which detoxes your body and breaks down your uterine lining quickly. As a result, you have shorter periods.

Still, take it easy. A glass or two of lemon juice is okay, but drinking too much could lead to diarrhea, stomach upset, and insomnia among others.


Hormonal Birth Control Pills or Shots

Pills or shots, hormonal birth control methods are among the best ways on how to stop your period. Nonetheless, the effects are not instant. You might notice changes in the length of your period few months after taking birth control. There is also hormonal contraception that reduces the number of periods you have every year. The best part is hormonal birth control methods can decrease cramping as well.

Nonetheless, it’s not just any contraception you can buy in the drugstore. It is advisable to consult your doctor to determine the best method for you, which will also depend on your medical needs and lifestyle.


Over-the-Counter Medications

If you want to reduce your menstrual flow and cramps at the same time, then over-the counter could help. For instance, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen reduce prostaglandins, a type of natural and hormone-like substance that encourages uterine muscle contraction. They also help reduce the swelling of your uterine wall; hence shorter period.

It is imperative that you take NSAIDs as directed. If you are taking herbal teas or other medications at the same time, make sure to consult your doctor about your intention to add NSAIDs in your system. In this way, it won’t counteract and cause side effects.


Have Sex Regularly

Sex comes with many benefits, especially in your health. If you are looking for another way on how to stop your period, then consider having sex.

If done correctly, sex leads to orgasm, which reduces menstrual cramps and blood flow. It turns out that orgasm encourages uterine muscle contractions, which are helpful in moving menstrual blood from your uterus. At the same time, these contractions could help your uterus to shed blood more quickly.


Get Rid of Your Tampons

You might be tempted to wear tampons especially during “emergency” situations. Did you know that wearing tampons could make your periods longer? This is because tampons block the natural flow of menstrual blood, thereby increasing the number of your Red Days.

Instead of wearing tampons, it is best to use sanitary napkins to absorb the menstrual fluid coming out of your body. Never think about that? Try it next time to see the result.


Consider Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are known for its many health benefits. One of them is shortening your menstrual period. There are many herbal teas and supplements that not only relieve menstrual symptoms but also reduce the stress on your uterine muscles. This leads to relaxed muscles and eventually, shorter menstrual periods.

Chamomile, wild yam, valerian root, kava-kava, and passionflower are some of the herbal teas that are best answers for how to stop your period. Drink maximum of two cups every day to enjoy their benefits.


Ginger Tea to Stop the Bleeding

Prostaglandin is a type of hormone released by your body during your period. It also causes your uterus to expel its lining tissue. The more prostaglandin you have, the heavier the flow and the longer your menstruation will be. Thankfully, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that interfere the production of prostaglandin.

All you have to do is to crush pieces of ginger and let it boil in a cup or two of water. Drink the concoction while it's still warm and add raw honey for extra sweetness.


Best Foods to Reduce the Blood Flow

What you eat also has a direct impact on your menstrual flow. There are certain foods that could help shorten your Red Days, some even delaying it. This is because these natural foods have components that reduces inflammation; thus shorter periods.

These foods include:

  • Potassium-rich foods like banana and sweet potatoes

  • Green beans

  • Carrots, which has the ability to expel accumulated blood inside your body

  • Iron-rich foods such as clams, molasses, and potatoes

  • Fish oil


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