Yoga is widely known for many health benefits it provides, but being physically fit is only a small fraction of the benefits. Yoga also has the ability to improve brain functions, mood, and focus. Individuals who practice yoga for just 20 minutes a day are shown to better perform multiple tasks than those who only did aerobic exercises and those who did not exercise at all. Practicing yoga helps you better calm your mind and focus your thoughts. In this article, we will reveal some poses of yoga for concentration.

Easy and Effective Yoga for Improving Concentration
Easy Seated Pose/Lotus Pose
Sit comfortably with the shins crossed. Firmly plant the sitting bones into the ground. Begin to lift the spine so there is a space between the vertebras, elongate the spine as much as possible. Rest the hand on your thighs with palms up and touch the index fingers to the thumbs. Inhale ten deep breaths.
Mountain Pose
Begin in a standing position with the legs just slightly apart. Keep the hands by the side of your body. Firm the thigh muscles and lift the kneecaps. The lower part of your abdomen should not harden. Begin to elongate your tailbone towards the floor while lifting the pubis up closer to the navel. Turn the thighs slightly inward. Focus your gaze upward as you begin to breathe. Keep your body weight on the toes as you breathe in and stretch the arms, shoulder, and chest up. You should feel the whole body stretch from the feet up to the head. Hold the position for a couple of seconds and release the pose on the exhale.
Tree Pose
Begin in a standing position with the hands by your side. Bring the right foot up to the left thigh so the sole of the foot is resting firmly and flat at the root of the left thigh. Keep the left leg straight as you focus on keeping your balance. Inhale as you raise the arms up over the head and slowly bring them together at the center of your chest. With this yoga for concentration, you want to focus your gaze out in front of you. The spine should remain straight as you inhale and exhale; allow your body to relax on each breath while still being taut. Slowly bring the hands back down to the side and lower the right leg. Repeat the process with the left foot up.
Corpse Pose
Corpse pose may look easy but is often one of the hardest poses to maintain. This pose puts the body in total relaxation. Begin lying on your back with the legs stretch out and arms by your side about six inches away from the body. The palms should be facing up. Close your eyes as you begin to breathe. Focus on how the weight of your body feels on the floor. Starting at the feet, begin to relax every part of your body - one section at a time and all the way up to the head. Focus on keeping your body in total relaxation for at least a minute. Then slowly begin to deepen your breath as you come out of the poses. Slowly move the finger and toes and roll to one side before gently lifting yourself up off the mat.
Warrior 2
Stand with your feet about four feet apart. Stretch the arms away from you and parallel with the floor, keep the palms facing downward. Point the right foot towards the front of you with the left foot angled in slightly. Bend the right knee so it just reaches over the right ankle. The head should be turned towards the right so you can focus your gaze on the middle finger of your right hand. Your torso should be facing to the side as you breathe.
Crane Pose
This yoga for concentration pose may be for the more advanced yogis. To begin this pose, get into a squatting position with the feet just hip width apart. Place the hands about a foot in front of you on the floor about shoulder width apart. Spread the fingers out as you shift the weight to your hands. Keep your gaze focused on one spot on the floor. Begin lifting one foot off the floor, trying to bring the knees up to the armpits or triceps. Maintain your focus as you breathe in and out deeply.
Seated Forward Bend
Begin in a seated position. The legs should extend out towards the front with the toes pointed up. As you inhale, lengthen the spine and open the chest. As you exhale begin to fold at the hips forward. Reach your hands to your feet and try to hold onto the outside of your feet. On each exhale, fold more into the bend.
Camel Pose
Begin with the hands on your hips, kneeling on the floor. Keep the shoulders and the knees aligned with the soles of the feet facing upwards. As you inhale, you want to draw the tailbone in towards the pubis which will cause you to feel a pull at the navel. Begin to arch the back and slide the palms of the hands over the feet. Keep the arms straight and the neck in a neutral position with no strain. Hold this yoga for concentration pose for at least 30 seconds and as long as a minute before releasing.
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