Testicles (testes) or ball is the genital part of a male’s body that is right by their penis. This sack-like part is functioned to produce male hormones (Testosterone) and to store the male sperms. That is something men are really proud of. But at the same testes may also be a source of embarrassment for them. Many times, men complain about having white bumps or white spots on testicles and penis. It’s a common problem that many men suffer. Learn about the causes and what to do about it.

What Do the Spots Look like?

These white or cream spots have no specified shape. They can vary in shape, size and look. These could be hard (bump-like), soft, itchy or puss-filled. If you touch these dome-like spots perked up on your skin, you will find them harmless. As far as the size of spots is concerned, it could be as small as a tiny seed or as big as a pea (even bigger in some cases). There is no age group specified for it. From youth to the mature, all can fall victim to it.

Should I Worry about These White Spots?

In most of the cases, NO! These spots are harmless and curable. Don’t mistake it as some communicable disease. But, IF you have the larger spots, you should be careful as the large ones are more prone to an infection. Secondly, if you find any such symptom in a toddler, that could be an alarming situation. So, instead of treating it (larger ones) yourself or just ignoring it, we would advise you to get some medical assistance from your GP. Whether painful or painless, these spots might be the indication of some future disorder.

What Causes these White Spots?

20% of the male population suffer from these white spots on testicles. Some conclude as a genetic ailment, but that is not proven yet. There could be an array of reasons.

In-grown Hair

Wrong ways of shaving your genital area is one of the most common causes of these white spots. Using hair removing methods like tweezing, waxing, and using chemicals can cause white or cream puss-filled spots around scrotum and penile shaft. Many times, when you shave your pubic area, some hair tends to grow in downward direction and takes the form of an ingrown hair that causes bumps, sometimes painful. This form of spots is quite likely to spread all over the genital area, including anus. There is no need of worrying about it. It will heal up within a few days. To avoid this condition, a correct shaving method is the only thing you can do.


Folliculitis/ Sebaceous Cysts

It’s a harmless condition, resulted from a bacterial or fungal infection in the follicle (root or hole of hair). Each follicle has a sebaceous gland that functions to produce natural skin oils that ensure the flexibility of the skin. Sometimes, when you pluck or shave your hair, the skin bacteria named staphylococcus aureus, finds its way down to that root, causing infection. As a result, the skin ends up with ducts clogged with oil, leaving you with inflamed follicle. This is the most suitable condition for bacterial growth (bacteria grow in dark, moist and warm places). And you get itchy white spots on testicles. If you don’t treat it well, it may turn red and painful. Proper hygiene is the only option to deal with it. We recommend you to wash your scrotum daily with soap. Pat dry this area to avoid any moist condition (to stop bacterial growth). If you don’t find any improvement within a couple of weeks, you must consult your doctor. You may be advised with some antibiotics to get it healed or doctor may clear them all, following a surgical method. If not treated properly, these spots may take the form of a cyst in the skin.

Note: Never apply an antibiotic cream anywhere around your genital areas without consulting the doctor. This could be highly unsafe.



In some cases, a sexually transmitted disease can also cause these white bumps on scrotum. Herpes virus is the most common cause. If your partner is infected with it, you are quite likely to have this virus transmitted in you. This could result in white pimples (with pain) all over your genital parts. You must get medical assistance otherwise this virus can easily spread in other unaffected areas of the body. Genital warts is another condition resulted from STD. These are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). The most common treatment of these genital warts is by using creams or a laser treatment.



Just like the pimples on our skin, the pimples on testicles is a common symptom especially in youngsters. These are painless and need no cure unless you find them infected. In case of infection, consult your GP.


Jock Itch

Formation of itchy and painful rashes around scrotum, inner thighs, groin or buttocks might be the result of jock itch. It’s a fungal infection that results in white or pinkish raised bumps that could be painful or itchy. The most common causes of it include sweating, rubbing, wearing of tight underwear, improper hygiene and sometimes diabetes. You can control this condition by proper hygiene, wearing loose-fit underwear to avoid sweating and moisture and by applying an anti-fungal cream (after consulting the doctor).


Fordyce’s Spots

Sebaceous glands are a common part of our skin (also testes). Fordyce’s spots are a more visible form of these glands. These are small in size, mostly in yellow-tinged, red or white spots on testicles. These are harmless and need no treatment.


Cancerous Growth

If you find one big spot around your testicle or scrotum area that keeps on getting harder and bigger in size, this is the one condition that should not be taken lightly. This might be the start of some sort of cancerous growth. It is recommended to consult the physician to get the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Note: Testicular cancer is the most unlikely cause of white spots. The most common symptom of a testicular cancer includes a lump in scrotum or penis. But to avoid any undesirable condition, you are advised to get it checked.


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