Bleed during sex or immediately after having sex? It’s a non-menstrual bleeding commonly faced by about 10% women at some stage of their lives. Most of the causes associated to such untimely bleeding are of benign nature. But still there are situations where it can be an indication of some underlying pathology.

What Does It Mean When You Bleed During Sex?

A non-menstrual bleeding can be resulted from a number of reasons. These may include:


When a woman’s cervical cells are attacked by some STI (bacteria enter the body as a result of sexual intercourse), it causes infection in vagina. Along with an unexpected vaginal bleeding during intercourse, its others symptoms include itching and burning of vagina, vaginal secretion and pain in pelvic area. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are the most common vaginal infections. Such infections are treated with antibiotics. In case they are left untreated, you might face infertility. Trichomoniasis is a vaginal infection that occurs after the entrance of one-celled parasite in your body.



Polyps are non-cancerous growths (just like skin tags) that tend to appear on the uterus (endometrial polyps) or cervix (cervical polyps). Older women (in their 40’s or 50’s) are more at the risk of these growths. According to common observation, the women who have been pregnant for multiple times, may face this issue. Women who have been looking for the answer to the question, what does it mean when you bleed during sex’, are often diagnosed with these polyps. Red and violet in color, these growths are shaped just like some tube. These bodies are soft lumps. So, as you have sex, these bodies get rubbed and there is bleeding. In some cases, these polyps heal on their own but sometimes, they need to be removed through a surgical procedure.

Note: Bleeding during sex can also be caused by vascular tumors that usually occur in genital tract (hemangioma). But that happens quite rarely.


Inflammation Caused by Cervical Ectropion

It’s an infected cervical condition that is normally reported among pregnant women and the ones who are opting for birth control pills. This condition prevails with the wrong positioning of the cells inside the cervix. Naturally, these cells should be lined right inside the cervix. But the situation becomes worse when these cells get outwards and get lined around the external os i.e. the opening of the cervix. Thus, the external gets sensitively red and inflamed and as you have sex, w causes bleeding. This is a curable condition but in some cases, it can be healed on its own.


Inflammation Caused by Cervical Ectropion

It’s an infected cervical condition that is normally reported among pregnant women and the ones who are opting for birth control pills. This condition prevails with the wrong positioning of the cells inside the cervix. Naturally, these cells should be lined right inside the cervix. But the situation becomes worse when these cells get outwards and get lined around the external os i.e. the opening of the cervix. Thus, the external gets sensitively red and inflamed and as you have sex, w causes bleeding. This is a curable condition but in some cases, it can be healed on its own.


Atrophic Vaginitis

Yet another sensitive vaginal condition commonly observed in the women in premenopausal and menopausal phase (particularly the ones with their ovaries removed). As your periods come to an end, you experience a noticeable decrease in estrogen level. As a result, your vagina experience a lot of changes that may include—lesser elasticity of vagina, the thinning of vaginal walls and decrease in the production of vaginal lubrication. Having sex with all these transformations may cause irritation and inflammation and might result in bleeding or spotting during sex. The situation worsens if women opt for lubricating gel while having intercourse. For getting it treated, delivering estrogen to body is the most recommended solution. This can be done locally or by following a hormone replacement therapy. Women in their menopausal stage should have a better idea now about what does it mean when you bleed during sex. But don’t come to any conclusion without consulting your doctor.


Dryness of Vagina

Other than menopause, there are several other reasons that might cause dryness of vagina. A dry vagina during sex is more likely to face the issues like tearing and scrapes. And you experience an untimely bleeding. The reasons of dryness include:

  • Recent delivery of the baby

  • Breastfeeding

  • Particular drugs including the ones for asthma, anti-estrogen drugs, anti-depressants and medications for cold

  • Frequent douching

  • Exposure to chemicals used in detergents, hygiene products and swimming pools

  • Removed ovaries

  • Chemo therapy/radiation therapy

  • Sex without arousal first


When You Are about to Menstruate

When you have sex close to the time of your period, you may experience a vaginal bleeding. That’s a benign cause and it would disappear with time.



This bleeding might be the indication of cancer (uterine, vaginal, cervical). Vaginal cancer is common among the women in their 50’s or in postmenopausal stage. Women who have been taking birth control pills for many years, are more likely to get diagnosed with cancer. But to identify it, the patient has to go through the procedures like colposcopy, pap smear and pelvic examination.

When to Worry?

If the bleeding persists (especially with vaginal discharge and pain) and reappears, you must get it checked by the doctor. It might be the result of some STD or an infection in pelvic organs.

Secondly, if it’s your postmenopausal stage, there are more risks involved for you. If you experience bleeding or spotting, get it checked immediately to determine the real cause behind it.

What does it mean when you bleed during sex but there are some other symptoms as well? If any woman happens to have the following unusual symptoms along with heavy bleeding during sex, she must consult her doctor, as it could have involved some health risks:

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge like yellow or green

  • Abdominal pain and lower back pain

  • Foul smelling discharge

  • Nausea

  • Burning sensation while urinating

  • Pain while having sex


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