Nothing can keep a woman more curious than knowing whether she is pregnant or not. Handy and low cost ways like urine tests and home pregnancy tests have made it quite easy now. Around 97% of the tests bring an accurate result but there are 3% women pregnant with negative urine test. Knowing that, the first thing that comes to mind, how’s that possible? Let’s find out the reasons.

I’m Pregnant but Why Do I Have Negative Urine Test?


It’s too Early to Check!

There are great chances that you have chosen a wrong time for test. Home pregnancy tests measure their result based on the presence of a hormone named hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin). This specific hormone is present from the very initial stage of pregnancy. But not all the tests are capable enough to detect its presence, especially with levels too low. So, different tests with varying sensitivities may affect the result. That is the very reason why many brands recommend to retest to make sure if you’re pregnant.


Wrong Time of the Day

Even the time to urinate can affect the results of pregnancy test. Your very first morning urine (FMU) is the best choice. FMU is more likely to have a concentrated hCG and that would make it easy to detect.


Diluted Urine

Make sure that you don’t intake too much water or other liquids before peeing on the stick. No matter how strong urge of drinking you have, just hold on. Drinking water can dilute the urine and it also affects the results and there might be another case of being pregnant with negative urine test.


You’ve Not Followed the Instructions

It is very important to follow the instructions given on the pack. In many cases, women let the test sit for extra (than recommended) time. In doing so, the result is surely going to be invalid. The best way is to follow as it is instructed and don’t make haste in testing. Wait until you are sure of having a missed period.


What to Do About this Situation?

This whole situation seems quite confusing. If you have a negative urine test, there is always a possibility that you are not pregnant. But if you feel like having the early symptoms of pregnancy and you doubt this result, you can recheck. A two-in-one pregnancy test is the best recommendation for such cases. Even after rechecking, if you get one positive and one negative result, you better stop these urine tests and opt for a blood test to get the right answer.

What Other Moms Have Experienced


Not Pregnant Actually

“I always had a very normal cycle. Once my period delayed for a whole month and I was pretty sure of my pregnancy. I opted for the test and quite surprisingly, the result was negative. On consulting my doctor, she told me that factors like stress or any dietary changes may affect the cycle, no matter how regular it was. Turns about I was not pregnant.”


A Tilted Uterus

“Of course, you can be pregnant with negative urine test. Even a negative blood test is a possibility. I am saying it with authority because this is what exactly happened to me during my second pregnancy. I was pretty sure of my pregnancy but all the urine and blood tests were giving negative results. Even when I was 8th week pregnant, ultrasound resulted in negative. It was my 20th week when I was confirmed that I was pregnant. That sounds so hilarious. But it all happened because I had a tilted uterus. Later, on my request, the doc examined me again, did an ultrasound and finally announced me as pregnant with a 20-week fetus. From the very beginning, I was sure of my pregnancy. So, all the ladies out there, sometimes, trusting your body is also very important.”


Happened in Both Pregnancies

“I have been pregnant twice and in both cases, no blood or urine test detected my hCG. It was later on, when I opted for an ultra sound and came to know about my 4 months’ pregnancy. So, this is another possibility that you don’t get an hCG at all.”


Confirmed the Pregnancy in Other Ways

“Pregnancy with negative tests is quite possible. I am 8 weeks pregnant but all the blood and urine tests are still indicating negative. My doctor diagnosed my pregnancy by examining a lot of vital signs. These signs included an over-sized uterus, cervix with a changed color, mucus plug and even the appearance of your breast can say a lot about your pregnancy. My doctor further explained that elements like elevated phosphorous level, presence of fetoprotein, increased white blood cells, and elevated hormones can also help detecting a pregnancy. Other than this, your blood pressure may drop, temperature and pulse may rise, you may experience an elevated blood glucose even urine may have an increased amount of glucose. Though, every woman is different but a full blood count test may help you in many ways for an accurate pregnancy result.”

Look for Signs of Pregnancy

If you are pregnant with negative urine test, you can detect the early pregnancy symptoms. Though these symptoms can be caused by various other reasons but in your case, pregnancy might be the most likely cause of them. Here are the most obvious early signs of pregnancy.

  • Nausea

  • Sore breasts and nipples

  • Morning sickness

  • Fatigue

  • Frequent urination

  • Headaches or backaches

  • Cravings for food

In some cases, you might experience a mild spotting in the first month. You don’t need to feel alarmed, as spotting is not always about a miscarriage. Spotting in the first month of pregnancy might be the result of implantation bleeding (implantation of zygote in uterine lining). Or it may represent decidual bleeding (from placenta edge). It’s a common symptom of early stage of pregnancy. Once placenta and lining are joined, you wouldn’t have to face it any more.


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  • LaurieMay.17 19:57
    Wow, I am frustrated my last period was in Feb, I have symptoms no nausea and vomitting both urine and blood are negative stomache getting bigger and I had a tubal, however I have done the necklace trick on me and my husband both say we are having twins.
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