Having sex should not be painful and when a female experiences symptom of burning and itching in her vagina after sexual intercourse it is a sign that something is not right. It may become difficult to get aroused for sexual activity if you have pain and itching.

What Causes Itchy Vagina after Sex?
Allergy to Chemicals and Latex Rubber
Certain hygiene products used by females may contain harsh perfumes and chemicals that can irritate the skin around the vagina. You may also have allergy to any of the chemicals present in such products. Lubricants, creams and oils can all lead to irritation and burning in the vagina after sex. Certain perfumed soaps and laundry detergents may also irritate your private part.
If you use condoms as a contraceptive, you may be allergic to latex rubber that is used to make most of the condoms. Approximately 1-3% people in the US are estimated to have allergy to latex rubber and you could be the one. Apart from itching in the vagina, more mild symptoms of allergy to latex include red skin and rash. But if you have a bad allergy reaction you may get symptoms of difficulty breathing, swelling of tongue and throat and can go into anaphylactic shock.
What to do:
If you feel that you are allergic to any of the product mentioned above try avoiding them and notice changes in your symptom of itchy vagina after sex. If symptoms improve then the product you are using is the culprit. If you find that you are allergic to latex condoms, then switch to latex-free condoms. Condoms made from polyurethane are available in the market, which you can try or you can shift to a different form of contraceptive method.
Vaginal Dryness
If you are not lubricated enough during sex, then you may get micro-abrasions inside the vagina. If the vaginal dryness is severe, then sex can be really painful for you, but if you are slightly less lubricated than normal, then you may feel itchy after sex.
Vaginal dryness can occur due to a number of reasons such as your body is not secreting enough lubricants (this can happen if you are taking a pill or antidepressant medicines) or you are not aroused enough to get wet. The later can happen if you are not getting involved into foreplay before having intercourse or you have relationship issues with your partner.
Females going through pre-menopause or menopause may also develop painful itching and burning in their vagina after sex. During menopause, the levels of estrogen hormone start declining in a female’s body, resulting in thinning and dryness of the vaginal walls. This can lead to itchy vagina after sex.
What to do:
You can use lubricant while having sex to deal with the problem of vaginal dryness. Make sure to select a lubricant that is silicone or water based and not oil based (condom friendly). Moreover, choose a lubricant without glycerin as glycerin based lubricants can increase the risk of yeast infections.
Give enough time to foreplay so that you get excited and wet before getting into the final act. If you have relationship issues with your partner, talk to them. It is found that communicating or talking to your partner can relax you more, get intimately connected to them and make you wetter while having sex.
Menopausal symptoms of dryness of vagina can be treated using low doses of estrogen hormone, which can be prescribed by your gynecologist. In many females the symptoms disappear after menopause, until then you can use lubricating oils and creams during intercourse.
Abnormal Vaginal pH
The normal pH of a healthy vagina ranges between 4 and 5. It’s maintained by the microorganisms that reside in the vagina. The vaginal pH can become abnormal by a number of factors including menstruation, diet (such as gluten and sugar, which makes it more acidic) and tampons that you have left inside for too long. Antibiotics can also disturb the normal micro-flora of the vagina, thereby disturbing the pH. Vaginal pH may also get unbalanced by using perfumed soaps and vaginal douches and cleaners. You can purchase a pH test that can be done at home to find out whether the pH of your vagina is too basic or too acidic.
What to do:
If the pH of your vagina is too acidic, this implies that the number of good flora is increasing in your vagina. This could lead to symptoms of red or itchy vagina after sex and itchy vulva, discomfort while having sex or passing urine and curd like thick or watery thin vaginal discharge. You can use baking soda suppositories or douches to increase the pH of the vagina. Don’t use OTC yeast medicines and consult a physician if there are persistent symptoms.
If the number of good bacteria has declined and your vagina is invaded by disease causing microorganisms, this can result in infections such as bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis. Bacterial vaginosis produces symptoms of burning, inflammation and a milky, white discharge from vagina, which has an unpleasant, strong, fishy odor. A yeast infection produces symptoms of irritation and itching along with a white, mucus like vaginal discharge.
Yeast infections can be treated by using OTC antifungal creams, ointments or suppository. Antibiotics are required to treat bacterial vaginosis. You should consult your gynecologist in case you have any of the above mentioned symptoms along with itchy vagina after sex.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
You should get yourself regularly checked for STDs as they can cause painful burning and itching in the vagina after sex. Some of the common STDs are: Chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.
What to do:
If you suspect that your symptoms are due to a STD, visit your healthcare provider immediately and get yourself checked. Your doctor may prescribe various antibiotics to treat the condition.
Lichen Sclerosis
This is a rare illness, which can occur in certain females. It usually occurs after menopause and causes appearance of painful white spots on the skin surrounding the vulva. This condition is often accompanied by symptoms of itching and burning after sexual intercourse and can result in permanent scarring of the vagina. Topical steroid ointments are prescribed by the doctor to relieve the condition.
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