Fever is caused by both internal and external factors. Changes in body temperature accompanied by body chills could arise from infection of the body or internal illnesses. Sometimes a fever comes about due to normal body changes such as a menstrual cycle, pregnancy or muscle aches from hard work. Other factors include viral and bacterial infection. Children can get a fever immediately after getting an immunization. If your body temperature is above normal and the body shivers, you might have fever. Below are some tips on how to treat a fever.

Treating a Fever in Adults



Have fever? Get some sleep. It could be caused by exhaustion or fatigue. Taking a rest improves your immunity and gives the body strength to fight potential illnesses.



Water is an important part of the body. When you drink more water, you clean up the body system, and replenish body fluids. Water improves the way your organs function. If you have fever from a cold, drink warm water.


Take a Pain Reliever

If your fever is caused by muscle aches, try taking an acetaminophen. Pain relievers like Ibuprofen will reduce inflammation and help you cope with the body effects. You can also take an aspirin.


See Your Doctor

Sometimes a fever is a sign of a serious illness. See a doctor if you get additional symptoms like a stiff neck or difficulty breathing.


Reduce Body Temperature

Sometimes fever accompanied by very high body temperature. Try lowering the temperature by placing a wet piece of cloth on your forehead for a few minutes.


Take An Antibiotic

If fever is caused by bacterial or viral infections such as blisters, take an antibiotic. This will contain the infection helping you to manage the fever. Just make sure to take the right antibiotic as recommended by a doctor to avoid interfering with your immunity.

How to Treat a Fever in Children

Watch out for signs and symptoms of fever in infants. If the baby keeps crying and you notice they have high body temperature, do the following:

Get a Diagnosis

You shouldn’t take chances with children since you might not be able to identify any other symptoms apart from the high body temperature. See your doctor and let them determine what the problem is.


Soothe The Child

The minute you notice that your child has fever and they’re uncomfortable and crying uncontrollably, you should try to soothe them. Rock them and try to bring down their body temperature by placing a piece of wet cloth on their forehead. If the fever is as a result of immunization, you can give them pain killers under the guidance of a medical practitioner.


Get To The Root Of It

Sometimes, your child can get fever due to overexposure to extreme weather conditions. Too much sun can cause a rise in body temperature. If this is the case, you need not to panic. Get them to a place that’s a bit cooler and the fever will fade naturally.



To treat fever in infants and children below 2 years, check for the temperature and give medication under the doctor’s guidance. For Adolescents, check for irritable muscles and body temperature above normal range and give a pain reliever. Avoid giving Aspirins.

Treat Fever by Symptoms

If you want to tackle fever effectively, you should start by identifying the symptoms.

Fever and Chills

Fever that comes with chills could be a sign of respiratory infection, malaria or bacterial infection. It is also a possible sign for meningitis, sinusitis, pneumonia and urinary tract infections. Treat this by covering yourself lightly to reduce heat. Avoid taking a cold or hot shower.


Fever and Nausea

Sometimes the fever could be accompanied by vomiting or nausea. This has a number of possible causes. It could indicate pregnancy, food poisoning, viral pharyngitis, Hepatitis, or stomach infection. Consult a doctor for accurate diagnosis and treatment.


Use Natural Treatment

If fever causes sweating, headaches and muscle pain, place a soft wet cloth on the forehead. If you have loss of appetite and nausea, take ginger tea or warm water. Herbal tea with basil and honey also helps to reduce these effects. You can also add some garlic, raisin, or apple cider vinegar.


Fever and Ear Infection

When you have an infection in the middle ear, it affects the eardrum, causing a lot of pain. You need to take this seriously because it can lead to hearing loss. Want to know how to treat a fever caused by earache? Try using eardrops under the guidance of a medical professional. If this fever is as a result of travelling, apply a warm compress around the ear and use acetaminophen.


Fever from Insect Bite

Sometimes an insect bite such as a bee or tick bite causes inflammation and fever. Using tweezers can remove the sting (if it is a bee). Wash the area with soap and water or antiseptic then take pain killers.


Important notes: fever can be a symptom of a variety of conditions. While it is largely harmless and goes away on its own, you should seek medical attention if it is accompanied by symptoms such as weak muscles, rashes, loss of appetite, excessive sweating, and constant headaches.


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