Lashing out at others for their faults is probably the easiest thing to do. But that doesn’t come without a damaging impact on your own life. This gives others a negative impression of you. If you really regret that immediate burst of emotions, each time after doing that, you must learn to stop being angry.

The Importance of Controlling Your Anger

We emphasize on stop being angry because anger comes with a poisoning effect on one’s body. A negative state of being tends to attack the hormonal stability in our body and affects our health in a number of ways, which include:

  • Disturbance in proper functioning of heart

  • Digestion issues

  • Affects mental stability

  • Disturbance in adrenal gland (that may damage reproductive organs)

  • Damages overall immunity

These terrible consequences all tell the importance of knowing how to stop being angry.

What to Do When You Are about to Be Angry

In a negative state of being, all of us have two immediate choices—get consumed by negativity and react irrationally, OR strive to divert our focus towards other alternatives like:
  • Switching our thoughts: Divert your focus, and think about something funny or someone who makes you smile.

  • Switching of words: Don’t speak abruptly in the heat of the moment. Control yourself and don’t utter those words that come with aftermath. Instead, start counting from 1 to ten. Still feeling same? Count again.

  • Change your position: Slow and deep breathing (from your diaphragm) is highly recommended for easing any tense moment. Inhaling fresh air inside helps counteracting the tension. Furthermore, therapists suggest, if you are in a standing position, you better sit down immediately (drink a glass of water if possible). Or an immediate indulgence in brisk walking is yet another practical trick to cool yourself down.

Best Ways to Manage Your Temper in the Long Run

This vindictive behavior can be the indication of some underlying mental disorder. If it is not treated on time, this could turn more damaging for your health (and for the people around you). Let’s find out the best long term anger management techniques to know how to stop being angry.

Exercise Regularly!

Excessive release of bodily chemicals like serotonin tend to increase the anger level, as a result, we vomit emotionally. Exercising regularly and indulging in other physical activities that relax you (meditation and yoga), is one of the best ways of balancing serotonin level in the body. Besides that, by following a regular exercise regimen, our body releases endorphins (hormonal secretion in nervous system and brain) that can make you happier. Some other exercises for relaxation include dancing, swimming, cycling and running.


Sound Sleep is a Must!

One of the main causes of inability to cope up with your emotions is lack of sleep. Those who get a reasonable amount of sleep have better moods as well as a lower ratio of getting angry. And those who stay up late at night, behave just opposite to that. If in spite of trying hard, you feel difficulty in sleeping, get assistance from your physician. He may prescribe you some medicine or other techniques for a sound sleep. You really need to make some noticeable changes in your diet or lifestyle to sleep better.


Share Your Feelings

When you don’t find any other way about how to stop being angry, talk to your friends (most trusted ones). Whatever surge of emotions you experience, sharing it with close friends may help in lessening its impact. Knowing their perspective on different intense situations may guide you in differentiating between right and wrong.


Cognitive Restructuring

Anger makes you think in the deadliest way for others and you opt for the words like ‘damn’ or ‘I wanna kill you’ etc. Cognitive restructuring is a practice to replace that intensity with a milder and tolerant way of thinking. For example, when a co-worker irritates you, instead of thinking about taking a revenge, you think of his background or a faulty upbringing that makes him act so. Thinking this way surely cools your anger down.


Write Your Own Anger Journal

Writing journal is a kind of therapy in which you transfer your feelings on the paper after experiencing a negative burst of emotions. Next time when your anger turns out of control, start writing each and every detail, particularly about what is it that triggered you the most anger. Avoid these situations when possible.


Get some Counseling

If you feel like getting out of control and your anger is taking over your everyday life, get assistance from some well-reputed psychologist or get a therapeutic treatment. Psychologists are professionals provide you with the best techniques to handle the moments of fury.


Learn to Accept Other’s Perspective

You value your viewpoint and any opposition to that causes a fury in your mind. Same might be the case with the opponent you are dealing with. It’s quite possible that the other party believes you to be on the wrong side. If you learn to respect and accept (or at least hear) other’s perspective, things would be a lot easier for you.


Anger Management Classes

Such classes are a fabulous way of venting out your emotions and sharing your feelings. Here you get the chance of interacting with other people, dealing with the same temper-related issues. Listening to their stories, you get to know that you are not the only one dealing with such situations. Besides, from other’s experiences, you’d know numerous ways of tackling such undesirable situations.


Detach Yourself!

Most of the times, the triggers of our anger belong to our immediate circumstances. This might be an annoying coworker, your mother-in-law, a messy room by your kids, or an unhealthy relationship. If you find yourself confronting them in a furious moment, detach yourself and take a break. Use this time out to think better and get yourself cooled down before a possible encounter.


Don’t Hold on to the Grudge

How to stop being angry when you keep on holding to your hate or grudge for someone? It would bring nothing good for you. Storing that poison inside you affects your overall wellness and health. Let go of the things and get yourself relieved.


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