An ankle sprain involves the tearing of the ligaments in your ankle area. These are structures that help connect bones in the body. While there are several types of ligaments in the body, the most common ones that tear during sprains are the anterior talofibular ligament (connects talus and fibula) and calcaneal fibular ligament (connects calcaneus with fibula). Sprains are caused by a wide variety of activities and you will experience the following:
Mild to severe pain, especially if the sufferer tries to walk or stand.
Swelling whose severity depends on the degree of sprain as discussed above.
You might experience some bleeding under the skin that will manifest in form of a bruise.
Ankle Sprain Grades and Time Needed for Healing
When trying to make clear how to heal a sprained ankle fast, you must first make clear of the degree of sprain:
1st Degree
A 1st degree sprain happens when there is a slight tear or stretching of the ankle ligament. In such cases, the joint will still be functional.
2nd Degree
The joint might become unstable and you’ll experience swelling that is visible to the eye. If you put weight on the affected joint when standing or walking, you will experience excruciating pain.
3rd Degree
In this kind of sprain the ligament is completely torn. The joint becomes unstable and you can’t walk or stand without support. You will experience severe pain at the time of spraining. Swelling will be more pronounced than in a 2nd degree sprain.
The time a sprained ankle would take to heal normally depends on the severity. A 1st degree sprain would take anywhere between 5 to 14 days to heal. Second degree sprains take between 4 to 6 weeks. Third degree sprains can take anywhere between 8 to 12 weeks and can sometimes result in permanent damage. Surgery might be required to restore normal function of the joint. Some people tend to suffer from repeated ankle sprains because they have weak ligaments. In such a case, you will need surgery to strengthen the ligaments.
Tips For Healing A Sprained Ankle Fast
1. What to Do
You should follow the P.R.I.C.E treatment procedure. P.R.I.C.E stands for Protection Rest ice Compression and Elevation. This treatment focuses on reducing welling, relieving pain and improving movement.
Protection – The first thing you need to do is to establish how you’re going to protect the injured ankle. Take away pressure from the ankle by lying or sitting down. Avoid any activities that might aggravate the injury.
Rest – Cut down on physical activity especially during the first 48 hours of injury. This is a critical time for the healing process. Gradually allow the sprained ankle to carry as much weight as it can until you’re able to walk without using a crutch.
Ice – Apply ice on the affected area to reduce pain and swelling. You can use ice packs, but ice wraps would be the ideal option since they will engulf the joint.
Compression – During the early stages, you should use compression to hasten the healing process. Using an ace bandage, tie the affected area from the top of the toes to the calf muscles. Make sure to overlap thee wrap by about on-half on its width. Make it tight but not too tight such that it interferes with circulation.
Elevation – Raise your ankle above your heart whenever you can. This helps reduce the swelling.
To make the healing process easier, you should follow the ‘how to heal a sprained ankle fast’ tips listed below.
Wear supportive footwear. It helps take pressure away from the ankle.
Paddle your feet whenever you’re seated down.
Use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to stop inflammation.
Start moving as soon as possible. Do not protect the injured area too much. Increase the amount of weight you carry on the injured area gradually until you can walk.
Do not ignore an ankle sprain. See your doctor if the swelling does not subside within 72 hours。
2. What You Should Not Do
Limp – Avoid limping. Try to walk as normally as possible to help the joint re-learn how to move correctly.
HARM – Avoid heat, alcohol, running or massage. Doing any of these things after you have sprained your ankle will set you back by aggravating the inflammation.
3. Home Remedies for Healing a Sprained Ankle
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that make it a great natural pain killer. Used in ancient Indian medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, you can use turmeric to help heal your sprained ankle much faster. Drink some warm milk with a teaspoon of turmeric added two times a day. You can also make external poultices with turmeric by mixing it (2 tablespoons) with a tablespoon of lime juice.
Epsom Salts
If you’re wondering how to heal a sprained ankle fast, you need to give Epsom salts a shot. These magnesium sulfate crystals help relax the nerves around your ankle. It basically works as a topical analgesic.
Pour a cup of Epsom salt in your bath water and ensure it dissolves completely. Dip the sprained ankle into the water and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Do this twice a day for 3 days.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is a strong anti-inflammatory due to the presence of phenolic compounds. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with egg yolk and apply it on your sprained ankle. Cover the area with a cotton pad and protect it with a compression bandage. Remove the bandage after 2 days.
Onions can help boost the efficiency of compression treatment due to their anti-inflammatory properties. You can use onion by cutting it up and applying in on the affected area with the compression bandage holding it in place.
4. Exercises For Healing A Sprained Ankle Fast
Restoration of Motion and Flexibility
You should move your ankle up and down during the first few days of injury. After about 7 days, start turning your heel in and out to restore motion and flexibility to the ankle. Face the wall with one foot in front. Place your hands on the wall and lean forward bending the front foot while you keep the other straight. Lean into the wall until you feel a stretch. Switch legs after 10 seconds.
Strength Restoration
You can begin strengthening exercises after at least 60% of the ankle has healed. Use a rubber tube for strengthening and resistance training. Fix one end of the rubber tube on a stationery object and keep the other looped around your injured foot. Stay seated and bend your knees while keeping your feet on the floor. Start moving your knee gradually while putting your foot inward against the tube. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other foot.
Balance Restoration
Once you have your strength back, start working on your balance. Balance the injured foot and spread your arms out on your sides. Make a point of soaking the ankle in warm water prior to doing this. Afterwards, use ice to stop any irritation that might have occurred.
How to heal a sprained ankle fast? Below are more exercise:
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