Dry skin is a difficult condition that can be experienced by most people any time of the year. This may be genetically inherited from parents to offspring or may be due to bad habits and improper skin regimens. Fortunately, effective treatments and remedies are available to give one a smooth and hydrated skin. Listed below are some of the ways on how to get rid of dry skin.

Keep your skin moisturized
To keep dry skin at bay, frequent and consistent application of moisturizers is advised. Applying moisturizers before dryness has even set in, and most especially when dryness is present, are what experts keep on saying for getting rid of dry skin. Always keep the moisturizers within reach. Those who suffer from dry hands may need to bring some hand cream in their bags or keep a bottle near sinks so that it would be easy to apply some after washing.
Time the application of moisturizers
Some advise use moisturizers just before going to bed. It helps to make it a nightly routine to avoid forgetting to put on some. Put on moisturizers after taking a bath when the skin is still damp. This will help seal in more hydration. Pat your skin dry after washing your face and after taking a bath, then apply your moisturizer of choice. Allow your skin to dry afterward to let the skin absorb the moisture. If you feel that your skin is still dry, put on the second layer.
Use commercial products that fit your purpose
The needs of the skin may change from time to time, throughout the year. During the summertime, you may need one that has sun protection, while during the winter months, you might want to use a richer moisturizer. Gentle or milk cleansers may be used as they are less likely to remove moisture from the skin. Avoid those with fragrances as these can cause the skin to dry out.
You may use natural products as alternative to commercial products
There are plenty of natural products that are recommended as alternatives or primary moisturizers to use. These include coconut oil, flaxseed oil, milk, olive oil, honey, avocado, banana, and aloe vera. These can be found in the local market, or any natural products store. Try them out and see which ones works well with you.
Use home remedies which also work wonders
Some home items and products are also used if asking how to get rid of dry skin. Some of these are found in the kitchen such as mayonnaise, oatmeal, yogurt, and ice cube. Mayonnaise, when mixed with lemon juice and honey, can be used on dry skin as a mask. Oatmeal may be added to bathwater. Yogurt can be applied to the skin directly to improve moisture. Ice cubes can be rubbed onto the skin which could help in improving circulation in the applied area.
Relieve itchy skin
Itchy skin may be prone to scratching which can worsen dry skin. Try putting on anti-itch lotion over the itchy area to help relieve itchiness. This will ease off scratching, preventing further damage to the skin.
This will help get rid of dead skin cells which would reveal fresh and healthier skin. Take care to exfoliate gently or you’d only worsen the state of your skin.
Drink plenty of water
This will hydrate your skin from the inside. Plenty of water will aid in nourishing your skin as well by improving transport of nutrients and will help flush harmful toxins out of the cells and out of the body.
Maintain a healthy diet
How to get rid of dry skin? You may need to pay attention to your diet. A healthy and balanced diet will provide the body with the right amount of nutrients to keep the skin healthy and moist. Eat healthy fats which help in the delivery of the nutrients needed by the body and the skin.
Take supplements when necessary
Supplements will provide the support to your daily diet. These can provide the boost that the body and the skin needs. Although most vitamins and minerals can be found in your food that we eat, there may be times that they may not be enough or some might be missing. Food supplements are there to fill gaps whenever necessary.
Cut back on salty and fried foods
These types of food can dehydrate the body, depriving the skin of needed moisture to keep itself healthy. So limit the intake of these as much as possible.
Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol
Cigarette smoke contains chemicals whose direct contact with skin can cause problems. Tar can clog the pores, leading to breakouts. Breathing can be affected which lowers oxygen in the body, which deprives cells of skin. Smoking also lowers the vitamin C in the body, which is essential in healthy looking skin.
Alcohol dehydrates the body which also dries out the skin. Alcohol causes the body to lose liquid, electrolytes, and minerals, which results in dry skin. So drink alcohol in moderation, and when possible, accompany this with frequent water intake.
Avoid excessive bathing
Showing and washing your face too much can dry your skin. Try to limit this to at twice a day. Also, avoid steaming and washing with water that is too hot as this can strip your skin of hydration. Try to use lukewarm or warm water instead.
Use a humidifier
How to get rid of dry skin? Try this! When the air around you is too dry, your skin would dry out as well. Counter this by putting a humidifier in your room. If a humidifier is not available, you may try putting a bowl of water next to the radiator. You may also try putting natural humidifier plants indoors. These plants give off water that helps increase the moisture content of the air inside the house.
Protect your skin
Whenever necessary, limit the exposure of your skin to harsh conditions. Wear clothing that covers as much skin surface area when going out in bad weather. Wear a hat to protect the face from the sun. Put on sunscreen when there is the possibility of exposure to the sun.
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