Also called halitosis, bad breath is an embarrassing problem that can shatter your confidence and keep you from socializing with others. A number of factors contribute to bad breath, including smoking, gum disease, dry mouth, eating odorous foods, medical conditions, and sinus conditions. However, the main cause of halitosis is the presence of odor-causing bacteria between your teeth and on the back of your tongue. While it is important to deal with the underlying cause, you can still make use of home remedies for bad breath. Let's find out more about it.

How to Treat Bad Breath Naturally

So many things can contribute to bad breath, and it is important to identify those issues. However, you can always try some home remedies to make halitosis more manageable.

Drink Plenty of Water

The idea is to keep your mouth moist and prevent problems like dry mouth. In the absence of enough moisture, it is easy for odor-causing bacteria to grow. You can have dry mouth as side effects from certain medications or due to certain medical conditions. Whatever the case, staying hydrated is important, so you should increase your intake of water and drink some water soon after you wake in the morning to get rid of any bacteria in your mouth.


Never Miss Brushing and Flossing

Try to find home remedies for bad breath? It is important to brush your teeth daily, and you should never forget to floss. Doing it regularly will play a big role in keeping bad breath at bay. When you do not brush or floss, you leave food particles in your mouth that provide bacteria with food to grow. Be sure to brush twice a day and floss at least once to eliminate bacteria and any odor-causing food particles.


Do Not Forget to Clean Your Tongue

You should clean your tongue regularly to ensure that there are not odor-causing compounds on it. You develop these compounds on your tongue when amino acids and bacteria combine. This will produce a sulfur-like smell that feels very annoying. Therefore, it is important to clean your tongue as often as you clean your teeth.


Pay Attention to Your Diet

Certain foods can increase chances of developing halitosis. For instance, your breath will smell bad when you eat garlic or onion. By avoiding acidic foods or high-fructose foods, you can control your problem of bad breath. You should eat food that hampers the growth of odor-causing bacteria. You may want to include whole grains like brown rice in your diet. Also, eat fruits, dark green veggies, and proteins such as beans, fish, seeds, and nuts.


Home Remedies

Taking simple measures may help control halitosis, but you can also try the following home remedies for bad breath to get better results.

  • Chew Gum. One of the simplest things you can do to prevent dry mouth is to chew gum. However, you need to ensure that you do not opt for gum with sugar. Even though the minty flavor will mask your bad breath for a while, things will become worse later. You should opt for sugar-free kinds, especially the ones with xylitol because they help limit the growth of bad bacteria.

  • Increase Your Intake of Probiotics. Using mouthwash may help treat bad breath, but it can also kill good bacteria in your mouth. Therefore, it is important to eat probiotics, such as kefir, yogurt, and sauerkraut to increase the number of good bacteria inside your mouth. You can simply include yogurt in your diet to get good results.

  • Opt for Cinnamon. The presence of cinnamic aldehyde is the reason why cinnamon is an effective remedy for halitosis. It helps mask bad breath and make your breath feel fresh. At the same time, it helps get rid of odor-causing bacteria in your mouth. Simply add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a cup of water, boil it, and add some bay leaves and cardamom to it. Strain it and rinse your mouth with it to get rid of bad breath.

  • Make Use of Fennel. One of the best home remedies for bad breath is to use fennel that works as a mouth freshener. It also has antimicrobial properties and eliminates odor-causing bacteria from your mouth. Simply take a tablespoon of fennel and chew on it to freshen up your breath. It will also stimulate the production of saliva and prevent dry mouth.

  • Let Parsley Help. The presence of chlorophyll is the reason why you can use parsley to treat halitosis successfully. You simply need to chew on parsley sprigs to enjoy its amazing benefits. You can also extract juice of parsley leaves and sip it to refresh your breath.

  • Use Lemon Juice for Better Effects. You can use a lemon rinse to cut bad breath quickly. Its acidic nature can help inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria. It also works by masking the bad odor. Just add a tablespoon of lemon juice to a cup of water, mix well, and use this solution to rinse your mouth.

  • Try Baking Soda. Also known as bicarbonate of soda, baking soda is one effective remedy to treat bad breath. It works by balancing the pH levels in your mouth, which in turn hampers the growth of odor-causing bacteria. Simply take a glass of warm water and add one-half teaspoon of baking soda to it. Rinse your mouth with this solution to get rid of bad breath. You can also use baking soda while brushing your teeth. It helps prevent bacteria from growing in your mouth and especially on your tongue.


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