Proper growth is vital for a baby to develop properly both physically and mentally, so it’s important for them to get enough vitamins and minerals from what they eat. If you find that your baby is not eating as much, it can be concerning. However, before you get too worried, find out what normal behavior is and what you can do to help deal with this issue.

My 3-Month-Old Baby Is Eating Less, Is It Normal?

During a baby’s first month of life, she/he usually needs to eat between 8 and 12 times a day. As babies get older, they don’t need to eat as much. As they progress into their second and third months of life, they only need to eat seven or eight times a day. When they reach six months, their eating can be brought down to five or six times a day.

So as your baby gets bigger, she/he might start to eat less but still look and act healthy. When a baby hits four months, they can start teething at any time, which can lead to the baby not being always hungry as before. You can give your baby a teething ring that was put in the freezer to help relieve their pain, or ask your pediatrician for some kind of pain reliever. However, there are other instances when your 3-month-old eating less can be a serious medical problem that requires a doctor’s intervention.

Signs of a Healthy Baby

A change in appetite can be a normal part of your baby getting older. You can pay attention to the number of diapers you’re changing a day. If your baby is getting enough food, you should be changing their diaper at least five or six times a day with at least one bowel movement. Each feeding should be easy and relaxed. Besides, their skin should be smooth and without blemishes or wrinkles.

Signs of an Unhealthy Baby

If your baby is not getting enough nutrients, they will not have a wet diaper as often and their urine will be a darker yellow or almost orange. They will have bowel movements less frequently and feces will be dry and hard. If they do not enjoy eating or do not seem to want to eat, this can be signs of an issue. Weight is another big indicator - if your baby is consistently gaining weight after they’re born, they’re on a healthy track. If they are staying the same weight for a long period of time or losing weight, that’s a problem.

Other Changes in Your 3-Month-Old Baby

When your baby grows to 3-month-old, eating less is just one of changes you can notice. The third month is the transition from newborn to infant, and there are many other changes that you should be aware of.

Motor Skills

After three months, it’s likely that your baby’s neck strength has gotten better, and when you hold them upright, their heads shouldn’t bobble or move. They should also have enough strength to hold up their head and chest with their arms while on their tummies. They are also able to move their legs and kick easily. Three-month-old babies should also be able to move their hands together, grab at toys and put things to their mouths.


While your baby is growing, they will also sleep longer than they did as a newborn. This usually means sleeping for six to seven hours at once, which can be also a big relief for mom and dad, who can have a good rest. However, with your 3-month-old eating less, they will probably also not sleep well.

When your baby does wake up, don’t go to take care of them immediately. Sometimes they are able to get themselves back to sleep after a few seconds. If you go to hold them right away, your baby will never learn how to put themselves back to sleep. If the crying is continuous, feed or change them in the dark and then put them right back to sleep, so they know that nighttime is not the usual time to be awake. While during the day, it’s likely your baby will take a nap for about 1.5 to 2 hours a day and be able to stick to that routine easily.

The Senses

As your baby continues to age, their vision and hearing will be noticeably better. They’ll notice sounds and turn their heads towards them, and smile at familiar voices, music and soothing sounds.

They’ll still be fascinated by bright colors, since they’re easy to see. They will also start to notice the details of people’s faces and often stare intently. If you put a mirror in their crib, it’s likely they’ll become fascinated with their own reflection.


By the time your baby is 3-month-old, eating less is just one normal change. What you will find interesting is that they’ll start to show more of their own personality. They will interact more with the world and people around them. This includes smiling or crying at people near to them. However, they should not cry for longer than an hour each day, and if they are, you should consult your pediatrician.


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